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I get a LOT of comments about the Windows Logo... What is the REAL problem? Please, don't turn this thread into a wstaylor-bashing post ( I get plenty of that in my comments )... I just want to know... What about the people that enjoy the Windows Flag? Where does this anger come from??? This is not a question about art or creativity... Just, why the Windows Logo?
Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 27, 2004
i don't mind it at all, i think graphically its a well designed and very memorable logo.

i'm just sick of seeing it on every 3 wall papers that get uploaded.

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on Mar 27, 2004
Ditto DesignCaddy's comments
on Mar 27, 2004
I don't hate it, but as it's a trademark, I would question other people using it without authorisation from the owners - but, it seems to have become "acceptable" in the same way that Andy Warhol used (and abused) the Campbell's soup tin.

I could hazard a guess though as to why some people do hate it - it's come to symbolise something which has been demonised in many peoples psyche, namely Microsoft. This is in the same way that millions (billions?) of people around the world dislike (and hence often burn etc) the American flag.

Now, this is independant of /why/ people dislike MS (or the USA for that matter), it's just how people work...we hit out at symbols of things we don't like, especially when we feel poweless to hit out against the things themselves.
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on Mar 27, 2004
I'm totally burnt out with it........... seen it on too many walls...... over and, over, and over, and.............. and I've grown ambivalent towards it. I neither like it or dislike, I just try to ignore it.
on Mar 27, 2004
I happen to like it, Microsoft too, it's nice to see a "nobody" get such an astronomical idea and run with it. But no, I don't want it on my desktop!
on Mar 27, 2004
Ooh, wait, it wasn't all his idea was it? Hmmm
on Mar 27, 2004
The whole point of customization for me is to escape Luna-land, and the icon just brings back bad memories.
on Mar 27, 2004
on Mar 27, 2004
good points... but what about the people that like the Logo and want it on their desktop??? Why be so hostile against anyone that designs around it??? Why not point out the good MS walls from the bad ones... It seems anything with any MS Logo on it is fair game for open-season...
on Mar 27, 2004
I guess I don't have to reanswer that question here also. Did it on another thread.

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on Mar 27, 2004

I think that both the Windows logo and the Apple logo have been already been done in every possible shape, form and color on many wallpapers. There are already plenty to choose from for people who like it.

But beyond that, I personally dislike the use of ANY logo in any wallpaper. I consider it a lack of taste and a lack of originality. My opinion.

on Mar 27, 2004
As some have stated. It's not really an issue of 'hating' the logo but the over use of it.
It's like having soup everyday, eventually, you'll get bored of it.
on Mar 27, 2004
Why be so hostile against anyone that designs around it???

...see my previous comments. People feel hostile to what the symbol represents, they can't hit at what they really dislike so they hit out at the symbol. It doesn't matter in that case that other people might like it etc, just that they don't, so they say so loudly to get some of their dislike for what it represents off their chest. It's human nature. If you choose to use a symbol that can invoke strong feelings in some people then you'll get comments from some of them.

To maybe make it clear, (and I'm not saying the Windows logo is in any way related or equivellent, just using a more extreem example to make a point), imagine if you used a swastika on a wallpaper, or a burning cross...there are some people who would /like/ such wallpaper (not I!), but you wouldn't be surprised when people shouted about it.

It's simple:

Symbol => -ve connotations in some people => -ve comments

It's how people work...if you don't like it, I don't see much you can do about it I'm afraid.
on Mar 28, 2004
I agree with posts #1 & #2...burn out!

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on Mar 28, 2004
What exactly are we customizing here? Windows... hhmmmmmm
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