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I get a LOT of comments about the Windows Logo... What is the REAL problem? Please, don't turn this thread into a wstaylor-bashing post ( I get plenty of that in my comments )... I just want to know... What about the people that enjoy the Windows Flag? Where does this anger come from??? This is not a question about art or creativity... Just, why the Windows Logo?
Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 28, 2004
lack of respect? hostility? hate?

Another MS butterfly and flag.
by WOM - 3/27/2004 6:39:51 PM

thanks for pointing that out WOM... its good to know that you are able to see the screen clearly enough to make out objects...
by wstaylor - 3/27/2004 7:22:02 PM

Since you are blinded by extreme hatred for anything microsoft...
by wstaylor - 3/27/2004 9:01:28 PM

the only one that used the word hatred were you
try working on your self-esteem.

on Mar 28, 2004
WOM, you should try 'Heineke', best there is...
on Mar 28, 2004
WOM. I do like to type, it helps my writing skills

Wstaylor, the personal opinion expressed by those who don’t like or are tired of seen windows logo wallpapers are their opinion alone and there is no sense in seeking the logic behind why they don’t like it.
Same goes with Bryce, Apple glass/gel effect or the Britney Spears designs, many people don’t like them or are tired of seen them.
My advice to you is to continue making your designs and accept the critics good or bad.
on Mar 28, 2004
motto: Always Strive to be DIFFERENT.
it's worth not following the pack sometimes.
on Mar 28, 2004
Hate is not the word. Just want something else sometimes.

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on Mar 28, 2004
how come you so seldom see a wc team logo?

You know... I tried to upload several WC walls and they get rejected... hmmmm, maybe I'll try again... ummmm... WOM's comment was neither good or bad criticism... it just wasn't criticism at all
Another MS butterfly and flag. by WOM - 3/27/2004 6:39:51 PM
come now. that is pointing out the obvious...
on Mar 28, 2004
try working on your self-esteem.

I'll work on that moshi, thanks...
on Mar 28, 2004
I like having OS logos when booting up and on the menu button (in windows, the start button), I don't like having logos stuffed everywhere.

I especially dislike having logos on wallpapers unless they're the logo of the person or organization that made the wall.
on Mar 28, 2004
Well I went through all your walls and comments and the only negative things that are said are by you! (wstaylor) YOU!YOU!YOU! Except the comment by WOM which isn't really negative but its not positive nor constructive either. Sorry WOM. Now quit the frickin self promoting and try listening to the constructive critisism of others instead of the assinine comments you say in response. I didn't see one NOT ONE comment about someone hating the work. There are tons of great comments by lots of different people. Try listening to hear what they are looking for.

Well its not that bad. Its just a little blurry, you should build up everything from scratch at higher dpi resolution then dub it down.
by PixelCargo - 1/29/2004 10:40:26 PM

Just imagine... a world without complaints... Just use the wall or don't.
by wstaylor - 2/26/2004 9:04:42 AM

I got nothing against you or your walls.They are pretty good. There are just not my style. So I don't use them.

Sorry folks, The self promoting around here is starting to reach new levels.

on Mar 28, 2004
Yo NightTrain2002, no need to be sorry. I explained to wstaylor on another thread about my feeling that the MS stuff was getting beat into the ground. Thats why I said what I said on his wall. That was after I read his comments on his wall, I think it was another wall from the one I commented on.

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on Mar 28, 2004
Wom, i understand what you were trying to say just by the tone. It stinks to get dragged into something. Im just glad I wasn't the one that dragged you into it.
on Mar 28, 2004
Well if you guys want to help out with my promotional efforts you could start a thread about "wstaylor's negative responses to comments"... i had a bad day ... what can i say? anyhow i think i've heard enough... I appreciate all of the view expressed in this thread...
on Mar 28, 2004
i personally dont care for MS.. they constantly buy up smaller progs that are normally free, to stop competition with their "PAY" products ..example. Battle Com was a free program that the gaming community used to voice chat. but it was cutting in to MS game voice sales . so they bought it and killed the project ...next example . Mech Warrior4 a sweet battle tech game that was voted game of the year among many other awards from the gaming and PC community..but after ms released their XBOX version and realized the older pc version was cutting in to their sales .. again they killed the older project stateing there was a lack of intrest in the game .....there were on most nites 400+ players, fri and sat there was even heavyer #'s of players. as a old Mech Warrior (started with net commander then MW2 ,MW3,MW4,MWblack knight,the expansion packs, then finally mechwarrior mercenaries). i was appauled to hear that we were being blown off to further XBOXes sales...(now their releasing a new version for the x box ....lack of interest huh ????? )...
we were all wating for mech warrior 5 to be released. after abt 9 years of being mech pilots me and my unit of abt 50 members are now playing non microsoft games(a boycot if you will)
MS will not force me to buy a XBOX to continue playing mech warrior......sad part is i was going to buy my kids a xbox for X-mas til MS pulled this...PS2 here we come ..........

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on Mar 28, 2004
on Mar 28, 2004
Having read the comments on the walls, I don't see what the problem is. Almost all postive comments. Perhaps a "ho hum" comment but that's hardly devastating. No trash talking that I can see unless there were comments that were moderated. If you expect only universal praise, I'd suggest that's an unrealistic expectation for any work.

Don't be surprised however if some people aren't thrilled with such logos and windows related text on walls, if for no other reason that they've been overdone. And if the wall is an attractive graphic, some simply prefer not to have text etc "cluttering" it up. Tastes vary. But others still do like them with logos (if the wall is pleasing to the eye). Used to be a joke that if someone wanted a lot of downloads, just slap "Windows XP" on a wall. Since the XP thing has been so overdone at this point it's grown a bit stale and that may no longer be the case. In some cases the wall must itself be remarkable enough that it works without the text and logo and if that is the case, some will find the text and logo entirely dispensable.

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